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#202 : Secrets, mensonges et vidéo

Jenna est officiellement avec Jake, elle est heureuse de sortir en public avec son copain. Cela s'arrête lorsqu'elle apprend que des caméras filment depuis des mois le Sanctuaire, c'est-à-dire le lieu où elle et Matty se voyaient. Déterminé à ce que cette vidéo ne gâche pas cette nouvelle relation, elle organise une mission pour chercher et détruire les preuves en envoyant Ming vers des forces alliées super-puissante asiatique pour retrouver cette vidéo.


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4 - 2 votes

Titre VO
Sex, Lies And The Sanctuary

Titre VF
Secrets, mensonges et vidéo

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Première diffusion en France

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Jake (Brett Davern) et Jenna (Ashley Rickards)

Jake (Brett Davern) et Jenna (Ashley Rickards)

Tamara (Jillian Rose Reed), Ming et Jenna

Tamara (Jillian Rose Reed), Ming et Jenna



Lacey (Nikki Deloach) et Kevin (Mike Faiola)

Lacey (Nikki Deloach) et Kevin (Mike Faiola)

Ming (Jessica Lu) et Becca (Jessika Van)

Ming (Jessica Lu) et Becca (Jessika Van)

Valerie (Desi Lydic)

Valerie (Desi Lydic)

Jake et Jenna

Jake et Jenna

Jake et Jenna

Jake et Jenna

Matty (Beau Mirchoff), Jenna et Jake

Matty (Beau Mirchoff), Jenna et Jake

Kevin Hamilton

Kevin Hamilton


Logo de la chaîne MTV

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 05.07.2012 à 22:30
1.76m / 0.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

L’année commence bien pour Jenna qui est heureuse de sa relation publique avec Jake. En approchant le Sanctuaire au lycée, les deux jeunes gens remarquent la foule qui s’y est amoncelée car une caméra vient d’y être découverte. Jenna réalise que sa relation avec Matty a bien pu être filmée et pourrait donc être dévoilée...


Dans les couloirs, Jenna fait part de ses inquiétudes à Ming et Tamara quand les jeunes filles se rendent compte que les vidéos filmées au Sanctuaire ont été volées et commencent à être envoyées aux élèves. Un peu plus loin, Jake explique à Matty qu’il n’est pas complètement à l’aise avec le fait que Jenna ne soit plus vierge. Quand celle-ci approche les garçons, Jake quitte le groupe et Matty dit à Jenna qu’il vaudrait mieux qu’ils avouent leur relation à Jake avant que celui-ci ne reçoive une vidéo à son tour.

Le principal Cox débarque dans le bureau de Valerie, il est affolé à cause du scandale des vidéos du Sanctuaire. Il demande à la conseillère de retrouver la bande volée et de ne surtout pas la regarder… Jenna arrive à son tour, elle cherche à savoir auprès de Val si celle-ci possède des infos sur les fameuses vidéos. Val ne sait rien puisqu’elle est elle aussi à la recherche d’informations. Jenna pense alors que s’il y a quelqu’un au lycée au courant de tout avant tout le monde ce sont… les asiatiques.

Au déjeuner, elle parvient à convaincre Ming d’infiltrer leur groupe pour en savoir plus sur la situation. En approchant la table des élèves asiatiques, Ming fait la connaissance de Becca, visiblement la chef du groupe, qui accepte de l’aider avec les vidéos et lui donne également les réponses au contrôle du lendemain… histoire que Ming améliore ses notes et du même coup la réputation des asiatiques.

Chez les Hamilton, Lacey a préparé tous les plats préférés de Jenna pour le dîner… Kevin sent que quelque chose ne va pas entre sa femme et sa fille. Jenna pose un ultimatum à sa mère, soit elle avoue à Kevin qu’elle a écrit la méchante lettre anonyme soit c'est Jenna qui le lui dira.

Le lendemain au lycée, les vidéos du Sanctuaire ont exposé les secrets de plusieurs élèves et certains se disputent et se battent dans les couloirs. Jenna est décidée à parler à Jake à propos de Matty, même sans vidéo, car elle ne veut pas faire la même erreur que sa mère. Ming annonce donc à Becca qu’elle n’a plus besoin de son aide mais celle-ci lui rétorque qu’elle ira jusqu’au bout de sa demande et lui donnera la cassette le lendemain.

Dans les vestiaires des garçons, Jake reparle de Jenna à Matty et lui avoue que ce qui l’embête n’est pas tant le fait que Jenna ne soit plus vierge mais qu’elle était amoureuse du garçon avec qui elle a perdu sa virginité. Il s’inquiète de ne pas être à la hauteur pendant que Matty, lui, aimerait savoir si Jenna est toujours amoureuse de lui. Matty se précipite dehors et demande à Jenna si elle a couché avec quelqu’un d’autre que lui. Jenna lui répond que non et commence à lui dire qu’elle n’a pas à se justifier de ses actions mais Matty la coupe en lui disant qu’il l’aime. Jake arrive avant que Jenna puisse répondre.

Dans la voiture de Jake, le jeune homme avoue à Jenna qu’il est perturbé par la situation mais qu’il ne veut plus rien savoir sur le garçon avec qui elle a couché. Il tourne la page car tout ce qui lui importe c’est que Jenna soit avec lui maintenant.

Pendant que Tamara essaie de convaincre Jenna de quand même parler de Matty à Jake, Becca va donner une copie de la vidéo de la caméra du Sanctuaire à Ming en lui annonçant que Jenna n’est pas dessus. Ming aimerait quand même voir la vidéo par curiosité, Becca la lui donne en la prévenant qu’elle lui est maintenant redevable. Au moment où Ming s’avance vers Jenna avec la copie de la vidéo, Val la lui saisit des mains pour aller annoncer au principal qu’elle l’a retrouvée. Quand celui-ci lui demande si elle l’a vue, elle devine qu’il est concerné par la vidéo et lui fait croire qu’elle sait ce qu’il y a dessus. Ming s’empresse d’aller voir Becca pour lui dire que la vidéo a été prise par Val. Becca lui dit que ça faisait partie du plan et pointe vers une enceinte : le principal annonce que Valerie est promue au poste de vice-principal du lycée ! Il s'avère que Becca et son clan voulaient se venger du vice-principal et se sont donc débrouiller pour qu'il soit évincé.

Ming va rapporter l’histoire à Jenna et Tamara, cette dernière pense que son amie a été embrigadée dans la mafia asiatique. Jenna est soulagée de ne pas être sur la vidéo. Elle rejoint Matty au Sanctuaire à la demande de ce dernier. Elle lui dit qu’elle est mieux avec Jake car il ne lui fait pas se sentir mal. Ce commentaire blesse Matty qui s’en veut d’avoir fait souffrir Jenna. Alors que la jeune fille s’éloigne, il lui demande de ne rien dire à Jake car il ne veut pas perdre son meilleur ami comme il a perdu Jenna.

Sur son blog, Jenna se demande si tous les secrets doivent être révélés. Elle rejoint sa mère dans la cuisine, Lacey a préparé une tarte pour sa fille. Jenna lui dit qu’elle n’a pas à lui faire ses plats préférés pour acheter son silence, elle ne dira rien à son père, ce n’est pas à elle de le faire. Lacey est soulagée mais voit bien que Jenna n’est pas prête à lui pardonner pour autant. Elle se décide alors à avouer à Kevin qu’elle est l’auteure de la fameuse lettre.

Jenna a demandé à Jake de venir par la porte de sa chambre. Elle lui dit qu’elle n’est plus amoureuse de l’autre garçon et qu’elle est totalement investie dans leur relation. Jake est soulagé et les deux adolescents s’embrassent.


At School.

Jenna: With the new year came freedom. I had a boyfriend who was happy to be seen with me in direct sunlight. And I had to say it felt good to have an open relationship. Not open in a creepy, polyandrous way, just public.

A boy: Oh, no, man, look at that!

Jake: Something's going down at the sanctuary.

Jenna: Check it out.

A boy: Bad news, dudes. We've been TMZed.

Jenna: How long has that been recording?

A boy: I don't know. Last time I clocked the security camera, it was pointed at the football field.

Jake: Can you imagine all the scandalous stuff that's been caught on tape?

Jenna: Including my secret relationship with Matty McKibben.

In the hallway.

Jenna: I am barely over my suicide stigma. I can't be known as the girl who hooked up on tape.

Tamara: If you got down and dirt3 in that hellhole, you have more to worry about than your image. The sanctuary is the slutty vagina of Palos Hills. Total petri dish.

Ming: It is so gonna suck when you get expelled.

Sadie: Thanks for piling on my freakout. Who gives a [beep] if someone stole the footage from the sanctuary? It's not like it's gonna ruin your reputation when it goes viral. Everybody already knows you're a slut.

Jenna: The tape is going public?

A boy: No!

A girl: Oh, my God...

Tamara: I hope I at least have a cameo. From the neck up. If these happy sacs are gonna be webified, I'm gonna need to be compensated.

Ming: I won't be on that tape. Kinda hard to get in trouble when you're uber-boring and have no secrets. It's a good day to be Asian.

Jenna: But not a good day to be me. Now I have to tell Jake about Matty before he finds out the hard way. I have to get more info on this footage.

Matty: I seriously doubt they picked up anything on that sanctuary cam. It's so dark, I'm sure all you can see are shadowy figures. Probably not faces, right? No faces?

Jake: Yeah, I guess. I know it's in the past, and I told Jenna that it doesn't bother me, and I don't want it to bother me, but it kinda does.

Matty: Get to the point. Any point, please.

Jake: Jenna told me she's not a virgin.

Matty: She's not?

Jake: No.

Matty: Did you sleep with her?

Jake: No! Well, I mean... Not yet. You know.

Matty: That has nothing to do with you, man. That happened before you two started going out, so... Stop stressing it. Remember that girl I lost it too?

Jake: No.

Matty: Exactly. Either do I.

Jake: Is that supposed to make me feel better?

Jenna: Hey.

Jake: Hey. Oh, hey. I gotta go to study gym. Which is... Does exist.

Jenna: What was that? Did you tell him about us?

Matty: No, he told me about us.

Jenna: What?

Matty: He said you slept with somebody, but for now, he doesn't know who it is. Why'd you tell him?

Jenna: That's none of your business.

Matty: It is now. That video could surface any minute. So we can tell Jake, or he can find out with the rest of the world.

At Valerie’s office.

Mr Cox: Hum !

Valerie: Oh, principal Cox. Good day.

Mr Cox: No, bad day, Ms. Marks. If this sanctuary scandal blows up, we could all go down.

Valerie: I don't want to go down. I've been there. One minute, you're on top of the world, the next, you're butt-poppin' meth in an abandoned warehouse with a guy named rooster.

Mr Cox: Oh... Oh... I-I need your connections to help us get this God dang tape.

Valerie: Mmm, let me put on my murder, she wrote glasses and I will get on it. Actually, they're just reading glasses, but when I lose my keys, I put 'em on and boom, I instantly find 'em.

Mr Cox: 'Cause you can actually see. When you do find that tape, don't watch it, just bring it straight to me.

Valerie: J, like former president Clinton and former prime minister Tony Blair, you and I have what some might call a special relationship.

Jenna: Absolutely.

Valerie: Okay, ha! In this scenario, I will be prime minister Tony Blair, and you will be Clinton. Do you know anything about this alleged sanctuary tape?

Jenna: Why? Do you?

Valerie: I asked you first.

Jenna: No, but I was hoping you had some inside information with special friends would obviously share.

Valerie: Why do you want to know?

Jenna: Just curious.

Jenna: And desperate to know how much time I had before I had to tell Jake. My honeymoon was not ready to be over.

Valerie: All right, the truth is I don't know anything. I didn't even know there was a sanctuary until this morning.

Jenna: Great. Well, thanks anyway.

Valerie: Say hi to the wife for me. The four of us should get together for some fondue. Seriously, J, if you think of anyone who's in the know, just send 'em my way.

Jenna: If there was anyone at P.H. who knew what was going on before anyone else, it was...

At lunch.

Ming: The Asians? I'm not eating lunch with those people!

Jenna: Ming, you're Chinese. They're your people! I am in a code orange soon-to-be-red situation. My happiness is at stake. I need to know if Matty and I are on that frikkin' tape.

Ming: How do the Asians fit into this equation?

Tamara: It's no secret, they know everything about everything. The Asians brought their earthquake kits to school a week before the last earthquake. And they threw Elena Harvey a baby shower before she knew she was knocked up.

Ming: Asians aren't magic. They don't have to control over everything.

Jenna: Yes, they do. Why do you think our school flag has a dragon on it? Ming, I'm not asking you to be friends with them. It's just one lunch.

At the Asians’s table.

Ming: Hi, I'm...

Rebecca: Ming Wong. 555 Trailriders drive. We know you.

Ming: You do?

Rebecca: Your parents own a sundries shop on the peninsula, and they're crazy strict.

Ming: How do you know that?

Rebecca: The how is not as important as the why. Asians make up 30% of the Palos Verdes population, so it's important for us to know everything about them. What I don't know is are you a cool Asian or a school Asian? What are your PSAT scores?

Ming: 120.

Rebecca: Low. You're not a school Asian. Have you ever spring breaked in Cabo, dealt Adderall, or had an affair with the lead singer of an indie rock band? Not a cool Asian either.

Ming: So what am I?

Rebecca: You're white. Sushi?

Ming: Wow. Thanks. Uh, I'm not a real Asian, so I don't know your name.

Rebecca: Becca. What can we do for you?

Ming: Do you know anyone that can get their hands on that sanctuary footage? My friend needs to know if she's on it.

Rebecca: We don't stick our necks out for round eyes.

Ming: That's kinda racist.

Rebecca: No, it's not. Their eyes are round.

Ming: Yeah, but...

Rebecca: Now you're a racist.

Ming: I'm not!

Rebecca: It's cool. Why do you think I changed my name to Becca from Wan Fu Win? Because everyone's a racist. I'm kidding. We'll see what we can do and get back to you. Until then, here are the answers to tomorrow's history test.

Ming: Oh, my God, this is great. Thanks.

Rebecca: No, thank you. You've been making us look bad.

At Jenna and Tamara’s table.

Tamara: They had Sushi delivered? A-masian!

Ming: You guys, Asians are so cool! They agreed to investigate the tape sitch and slipped me some test answers!

Jenna: Thanks for the hookup. If anyone can smoke out the footage, it'll be them.

Tamara: I think we lost Ming to the far east.

Ming: I feel dirty... And alive. I feel Asian!

At the Hamilton’s house.

Kevin: Kung Pao shrimp, lasagna, and potato chip chicken casserole. Those dishes don't really go together.

Lacey: Sure, they do. They are Jenna's favourites. I guess I know our daughter a little better than you do.

Jenna: My mom thought she could work her way back into my heart through my stomach. She didn't know me at all.

Kevin: What's going on here? You're cooking, and you're not eating.

Jenna: My Matty secret wasn't the only one I was keeping. My mom and I were still harbouring her secret that she wrote the letter, and I figured she should be the one to bust it out.

Jenna: Mom, do you want to tell him?

Lacey: Why not?

Kevin: Lacey, what the hell did you do?

Lacey: Jenna wanted me to tell you that I... We're both getting perms! Guess I should have let her tell you.

Jenna: When are you going to tell dad about the letter?

Lacey: I've tried. You don't know how hard it is to tell someone something that might break their heart.

Jenna: I knew exactly how hard it was, which is why I had conveniently forgotten to tell Jake about Matty.

Jenna: What about me? You broke my heart when you wrote that letter. And I still don't know why you wrote it.

Lacey: Jenna, I was only trying to help you. I swear.

Jenna: You are unbelievable.

Lacey: I'm sorry. I wish I could take it back. Not a minute goes by that I don't regret writing it.

Jenna: Tell dad about the letter, or I will. I am done with secrets.

At school.

Jenna: And I wasn't the only one. The threat of the sanctuary tape being exposed ignited a school-wide pre-emptive strike. People were spilling their secrets faster than a bunch of drunk-ass reality stars in a hot tub.

A boy: I kinda cheated on you in the sanctuary. I did the stone 'n bone with Cici Markling.

A girl: I ate a double cheeseburger there. Best thing I ever put in my mouth!

Sadie: I made out with Matty McKibben, and he is a terrible kisser. It didn't happen in the sanctuary, though. I wouldn't go near that cess pit.

Jenna: As pissed as I was at my mom for not divulging her secret, I was just as mad at myself for holding on to mine.

Jenna: Ming, you can 86 the tape hunt. I've decided to tell Jake.

Ming: What if it turns out you're not even on it?

Jenna: It doesn't matter. Jake deserves to know. Even if he hates me for it.

Ming: I'll tell Becca to call off the search.

At Rebecca’s locker.

Ming: I don't need the tape anymore.

Rebecca: I'm sorry, but that train already left the station. And you can't jump off of a moving train. Actually, you can, but then you might break something! I'll have that tape to you by tomorrow.

Ming: Ooo-kay. And thanks again for the cheat sheet. I'm not complaining, but did you know a few of those answers are wrong?

Rebecca: I didn't want to "red flag" you. No one would buy it if you went from being a "c" student to full-immersion overnight. You still only know one language.

Ming: Oh...

At the changing room.

Matty: I'm just saying I can't imagine some dude sitting through a billion hours of footage just to find a few minutes of good stuff. What a pain in the ass.

Jake: Are you on it? Have you been cross-dressing in the sanctuary?

Matty: Yeah. Can I borrow your thong again?

Jake: As long as you hand-wash it.

Matty: You're the one obsessing, Rosati.

Jake: I can't help it. This Jenna thing is bumming me out. I'm really into her, man. I just assumed she was a virgin.

Matty: You can't be upset with Jenna for something she did before she met you.

Jake: I know. But that's not what's driving me nuts. It's that Jenna was in love with this other guy. How am I supposed to compete with that?

Matty: Is she still in love with him?

Jake: I don't know. Why would you say that?

Matty: I'm sorry. Sorry, I gotta run.

At the parking.

Matty: I need to ask you something. Have you slept with anyone else besides me?

Jenna: No, but what I have or haven't done doesn't...

Matty: I love you.

Jake: Hey. Sorry it took so long. You ready?

Jenna: I was definitely ready... To hit the nearest self-destruct button.

In Jake’s car.

Jake: Do you like this song? I like this song. I don't get it, though. "Her kisses taste like damage." Is he trying to say that the girl is emotionally damaged, or that she tastes like vodka and cigarettes? Yeah. Jenna, I don't like secrets!

Jenna: Secrets? What secrets?

Jake: The guy you slept with. I'm totally jealous of him. Does that sound crazy? Yeah, I know, it does. And I'll own it. I'm acting like a total whack job, and I don't even know who this guy is. And you know what? I don't wanna know. Because you're with me now... And that's all that matters... Right?

Jenna: Okay.

Jake: Yeah. There. Got that out of my system. Now I can act like a dude again.

In the hallway.

Tamara: You still have to tell him.

Jenna: He doesn't want to know.

Tamara: One way or another, [bleep] gets out. And Matty said he loves you.

Jenna: Which is totally fuck up, by the way. How dare he do that now. What a jerk.

Tamara: A jerk in love, which is why he could go rogue. Look at all the crazy stuff I've done because of Ricky Schwartz. The clock is ticking, Jenna, and according to Ming's new fr'asians.

Jenna: Wait, friends who are Asians?

Tamara: Yeah. The footage exists, and it's coming out today. Today, Jenna! This tape is a terrorist's backpack, and it's entering the open market of your relationship.

Jenna: Well, Jake said that he wasn't interested in hearing the details of my former relationship, and I am going to take that at face value.

Tamara: Yeah, well, how is Jake gonna feel when he finds out that face belongs to Matty? You're taking the easy way out.

Jenna: Maybe. But even if I am on that footage, I'm covered.

Rebecca: Jenna Hamilton's not on it. The security camera was only turned around for two days.

Ming: How did you know I was getting it for Jenna?

Rebecca: How do I know your grandparents were born two Miles outside of the Jiangsu province, where they sustained themselves by running a fish farm? I just do.

Ming: My grandpa said he was an engineer.

Rebecca: Oh. You still want this? The only thing interesting is vice principal Highmore hooking up with some guy in a fugly snowflake tie.

Ming: Gross. I'd still love to check it out.

Rebecca: And should I ever need a favour?

Ming: Anything.

Rebecca: Not right now. But one day in the future, Ming Fei Yen Huang. One day.

Ming: Jenna, I've got it.

Valerie takes the DVD.

Ming: Oh, fuck me!

Valarie: Guess what I got. Nice tie. Isn't it a little late for snowflakes?

Mr Cox: You didn't watch that, right, like I specifically instructed as your higher-up?

Valarie: I have seen it, and it is très scandalous.

Mr Cox: What... What did... What did you see?

Valarie: I saw things. Things that would have made a lesser woman weep. Are you familiar with French new wave cinema?

Mr Cox: Look, don't murder, she wrote me, Marks, all right? What are you getting at?

Valerie: There was a lot of shoe leather to get my hands on this thing, and I feel I'm due some respect.

Mr Cox: Okay, come here. I'll give you anything you want.

At lunch.

Ming: I'm sorry, Becca, the DVD was snaked by our crazy guidance counsellor.

Rebecca: I know. That was the plan.

Ming: I'm confused. Average student here, remember?

Mr Cox: Attention, students, as of today, vice principal Rachel Highmore is stepping down, and guidance counsellor Valerie Marks will be moving into that position. Kudos, Ms. Marks.

Rebecca: Highmore was trying to stop us from parking our cars in the visitor spaces. That bitch had to go. You're in our circle of trust now, Ming Fei Yen Huang. And that trust can never be broken. Never... Ever.

In the garden.

Ming: You're not on the tape.

Jenna: Oh, thank God.

Ming: Now you can stop worrying about yourself and start worrying about me. Hello kitty played me like her sacrificial pawn. Whenever she got all serious, she called me by my full name! It creeped my [bleep] out.

Tamara: O.M.G.D.F., I think you've just been inducted into the Asian mafia!

Ming: What?

Jenna: As bad as I felt for forcing Ming to roll with her homies, I had to admit I felt good. The black cloud of scandal had lifted, and I no longer had to live in fear. All my business was handled.

At the sanctuary.

Matty: I got the tape from Fred Wu, and we are...

Jenna: Not on it, I know. Guess I'll see you around.

Matty: That's all you have to say?

Jenna: What else is there?

Matty: You know.

Jenna: I was in such a panic over the tape, I had put Matty's "I love you" in a box and shoved it into a poorly-lit corner of my mind.

Matty: So we don't have to tell Jake.

Jenna: I don't want to be anyone's secret anymore. And I don't want to keep secrets from Jake. I really like him. He's not embarrassed of me, and he never makes me feel bad about myself.

Matty: Did I? I'm so sorry, Jenna. Just please don't tell Jake. I can't lose him too.

At Jenna’s bedroom.

Jenna: My secrets were still in the closet. Jake didn't want to ask, and Matty didn't want me to tell. And my mom wasn't ready to out herself either. So I had to ask myself, were some secrets better revealed or concealed?

Anonymous post a text.

Jenna: "It all depends on the secret." What do you... Mean? "Is it your secret to tell?"

At the kitchen.

Jenna: Thanks for dinner.

Lacey: I made a chocolate silk pie. Remember that road trip to Santa Fe when you were eight? You loved this pie so much that you begged us to order one for the road? And then you secretly ate the entire thing and threw up in the cooler.

Jenna: Mom, stop. You don't have to keep bribing me with food. I'm never gonna tell dad about the letter. That's your secret, not mine.

Lacey: Thank you.

Jenna leaves with the pie.

Lacey: Kevin... I wrote that letter to Jenna.

Jake knocks on Jenna’s door. She opens.

Jake: I got your text. But why am I coming through your back door?

Jenna: Uh, for the record, that's the only back door you'll ever have access to.

Jake: Not a problem. Thanks for bringing it up, though. I still have P.T.S.D. from the whole Lissa situation. D-don't... Don't say it.

Jenna: B-hymen.

Jake: So, uh, before I sweat through another shirt... I mean the thing is… Can you tell me what it was that was so important that you had to say it in person? Do I need to sit down? I'm gonna probably sit down. No, I'm gonna stand.

Jenna: Okay, so, Jake... I know you don't wanna know about the other guy, but I want you to know, that is, if you do want to know. But I think you would want to know.

Jake: What I want... Is for you to be comfortable telling me anything. Even if it's something you think I don't want to hear. I want to hear it.

Jenna: And I think it's only fair that you know. I'm not in love with that other guy anymore. I am completely and totally invested in you.

Jake kisses Jenna.

Jake: You taste like pie.

Jenna: As long as I don't taste like damage.

Jake: Well, maybe a little.

Kikavu ?

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Bonsoir, une nouvelle bannière pour le quartier HPI attend vos votes merci

ShanInXYZ, 04.05.2024 à 18:09

Doctor Who ? C'est le nouveau jeu du quartier, un docteur à retrouver, à vous de jouer

choup37, 04.05.2024 à 21:22

Nouveau design sur Kaamelott, on attend vos avis

langedu74, Avant-hier à 21:15

Hello ! Une nouvelle session du ciné-émojis vient d'être lancée, rendez-vous sur HypnoClap pour deviner le film

Sonmi451, Hier à 13:33

Nouveau design' dans Gilmore Girls, hésitez pas à donner votre avis!

Viens chatter !