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#112 : Un choix décisif

Tout le monde est impatient d'aller au bal d'hiver. Jenna doit finalement décider entre Jake et Matty, la vie amoureuse de Tamara prend un nouveau tournant, Ming amène un rendez-vous étonnant et on découvre qui a écrit la lettre à Jenna.


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Un choix décisif

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Saddie (Molly tarlov)

Saddie (Molly tarlov)



Jenna et Jake

Jenna et Jake



Valerie (Desi Lydic)

Valerie (Desi Lydic)

Le groupe

Le groupe

Jenna (Ashley Rickards) et Jake (Brett Davern)

Jenna (Ashley Rickards) et Jake (Brett Davern)

Lissa (Greer Grammer) et son copain

Lissa (Greer Grammer) et son copain

L'élection du roi et de la reine du bal

L'élection du roi et de la reine du bal



Jenna et Jake

Jenna et Jake

Plus de détails

Jenna n’est plus sûre de ne plus vouloir être avec Matty et se demande si elle ne passe pas à côté de son destin. Au matin du grand jour de la soirée d’hiver, Tamara lui rappelle qu’elle doit se rendre à la soirée ; Jenna a en effet été nominée pour le titre de reine.


Pendant que Jenna se fait coiffer, Tamara lui annonce que Ming ira à la soirée avec un cavalier surprise. Jenna invite donc son amie à venir avec elle et Jake pour que tout le monde soit présent. Matty de son côté est en pleine partie de poker avec son frère et deux de ses amis : il n’ose pas appeler Jenna depuis qu’elle lui a dit qu’elle ne voulait pas continuer leur histoire dans les conditions actuelles.

C’est la crise chez les Hamilton, Jenna n’aime ni son atroce coupe de cheveux ni sa robe. Heureusement, Lacey arrange la situation en la recoiffant et lui propose de porter une robe que sa propre mère adorait. Elle profite du moment pour dire à Jenna à quel point elle l’aime. L’adolescente demande à sa mère si elle aurait choisi d’épouser Kevin si elle n’était pas tombée enceinte ; Lacey lui dit qu’elle n’a jamais eu à choisir.

Pendant que Jenna se débarrasse de la lettre anonyme, les filles sont arrivées et quand la jeune fille rejoint Tamara et Ming, elle découvre que cette dernière se rend à la soirée avec une autre fille du lycée : Vera. Ming explique qu’aller à la soirée avec une fille était la seule solution pour avoir l’autorisation de sa mère. Kevin et Lacey sont quant à eux très émus de voir que leur fille a bien grandi.

On sonne à la porte et quand Kevin ouvre Matty demande à parler à Jenna. Kevin lui dit qu’il vient de la manquer car elle est partie à la soirée avec ses amis.

M. Mishra et Valerie surveillent la fête, la conseillère d’orientation souhaite s’assurer que Sadie ne viendra pas puisque cela lui a été interdit. Les filles arrivent accompagnées par Jake et tout le monde passe par la traditionnelle photo. Lissa part dans les toilettes rejoindre Sadie qui tente de rentrer en douce par la fenêtre. Jenna et Tamara les interrompent avant que Sadie puisse entrer. Lissa dit à Jenna que c’est bel et bien fini entre elle et Jake et lui fait un compliment. Quand Jenna quitte les lieux, Sadie est en colère après Lissa mais cette dernière la tient pour responsable de sa rupture avec Jake et ferme la fenêtre en laissant son amie dehors.

Sur la piste de danse, la bande d’amis se déchaîne lorsque Ricky Schwartz s’excuse auprès de Tamara qui retombe aussitôt dans ses bras. Quand Matty arrive enfin, il surprend Jake et Jenna en train de s’embrasser. Jake rejoint son ami qui lui explique que la fille avec qui il voulait venir et avec un autre garçon et demande implicitement à Jenna s’il est trop tard pour se rattrapper. Jenna saisit la main de Jake et annonce à Matty que oui, il est trop tard.

Valerie trouve Sadie, qui a réussi à se faufiler en soudoyant un élève. Elle la menace de la faire expulser mais Sadie sait qu’elle n’a pas de preuve contre elle. Excédée, Val lui verse le bol de punch sur la tête. Elle remonte ensuite sur scène pour annoncer les noms de la reine et du roi : c’est Clark Stevenson et Matty qui l’emportent. Jenna regarde Matty quitter la salle au moment où Clark monte sur scène.

Jake raccompagne Jenna chez elle, ses parents sont sortis et l’alarme de la maison se déclenche. Jenna se rappelle que le code de l’alarme est dans un tiroir de la cuisine. Quand elle l’ouvre, elle y trouve un bloc de papier qui correspond à celui sur lequel a été écrite la lettre anonyme. Jenna comprend alors que c’est sa mère qui a écrit la fameuse lettre…


At Jenna's bedroom.

Jenna: I was leaving my Renaissance and heading into my Golden Age. 'Cause I wasn't that girl anymore, and I wasn't Matty's girl neither. I was Jenna Hamilton. Someone once said that it's choice not chance, that determines our destiny. My head made the choice to end things with Matty but my heart, my heart was still waiting for the chance that my head might... Reconsider.

Matty knocks on Jenna's door.

Jenna: What are you doing here?

Matty: I need you to know something.

Jenna: Okay, I'm listening.

Matty kisses Jenna.

Matty: I love you.

Matty turns into Jake.

Jake: I really love you.

Jenna: What?

Matty: It's okay. We can share.

Jake: You don't have to choose.

Tamara: Because we can all share.

Jenna: This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real.This isn't real.

Jenna wakes up. Tamara is in her bed.

Tamara: The ad does seem fake, and creepy. "We can all share." Who wants that?

Jenna: What are you reading?

Tamara: The missed connections in our area. I'm seeing if anyone was too shy to ask me to the formal. But this site is clearly only for pervs. God, can you imagine, bumping uglies while others people watch?

Jenna: I can. And it's disturbing.

Tamara: Are you excited for tonight? I can't believe you're going to your first formal without me.

Jenna: I know. It's not going to be the same.

Tamara: Wait, listen to this. "I've blown it over and over again. But if you give me one last chance, I'll sweep you off your feet on the dancefloor and finally be your guy". Doesn't that sound like Ricky?

Jenna: Or Matty.

Tamara: Don't do this to yourself. If Matty had any gonads, he'd fight for you. But he doesn't and he didn't.

Jenna: Do you think destiny is determined by chance or choice?

Tamara: Chance, 100%. If destiny was by choice, I'd have developed an ass, instead of a mustache.

Jenna: But I'm the one who ended things with Matty. Maybe I misdirected faith and missed my connection to be with him.

Tamara: Okay, you're getting really deep, and it's far too early for me to process anything more than your morning breath, which by the way is rank.

Jenna: Did I screw up my destiny, or was my fate supposed to stink?

At the hairdresser.

Jenna: I'm thinking I want to wear my hair... Up.

Lacey: Down. Honey, your hair is the best weapon in the fight against your heritage. Princesses don't have big ears. Jenna's been nominated for sophmore winter princess.

Jenna: I'd like it up.

Lacey: With all that hair on top you're just gonna look like a bobblehead.

Jenna: Good.

Tamara: Bad news. I just got off the phone with Ming. She's going tonight.

Jenna: With who she's with?

Tamara: She said it's a surprise. This sucks. Now I'm gonna be alone losering.

Jenna: Why don't you come with me and Jake?

Tamara: I'm not a date crasher.

Jenna: We're going as friends.

Tamara: I definitely add some sauce to the mix.

Jenna phones Jake.

Jake: Hamilton.

Jenna: Hey.

Jake: I already know. We can't wear the same color dress.

Jenna: Good call. Can Tamara come with us? She doesn't have a date and...

Jake: Sure. I'll see you at 6.

Tamara: Anyone here who can do something in the vein of Grecian goddess meets Gaga? Let me drop for you.

Jenna: With T. by my side, a good time at the dance was all but in the cards.

At Matty's house.

James: Oh yeah!

Matty: Poker is not my game.

A guy: Poke-her? But I don't even know her.

Matty: You guys are like Brainchilds.

James: Dude, call her already.

A guy: Does Mclight have a girlfriend?

James: He did.

A guy: You get your ass handed to you or what?

Matty: It wasn't really my fault.

James: It's never our fault. But you still got to own up to whatever you think that she thinks that you did.

Matty: I think she wants me to leave her alone.

A guy: Dude are you a wuss? I seriously want to punch you right now.

Matty: She told me to take care.

James: When she said it, was she looking directly at you or was she like... Looking at the ground, twirling her hair?

A guy: The hair twirl? Signature tell.

Matty: It was pretty direct.

James: Give her something she wants.

Matty: She wants to go to the formal.

A guy: Take her.

Matty: I can't, the formal is tonight.

James: So make it happen. You're a McKibben, McKibbens are winners.

Matty: You're right, we are winners. Flush beats your straight.

Jenna is screaming in her bathroom.

Lacey: What happened?

Jenna: Me! I can't go anywhere like this.

Lacey: Don't panic! We can fix your head.

Jenna: Yeah, but you can't fix my dress. You were right, it's awful. Happy?

Lacey: A little, but don't fret. Come on.

At Lacey's beadroom.

Jenna: There's nothing in your closet I'm gonna wanna wear.

Lacey: What about this?

Jenna: You'd let me wearing this dress?

Lacey: Special times call for special circumstances. Try it on. You know, that dress was specially made for Nana when she was a model. I used to think if I could look as good as her in it, that she would love me as much she loved that dress. Isn't that silly?

Jenna: Yes.

Lacey: The only time she ever let me wear it was to my prom. You should have seen me trying to fit my big ass pregnant belly into that tiny...

Jenna: Do I look stupid?

Lacey: You look... Perfect. I want you to know... That I would never love a dress more than you. Unless it's vintage Chanel.

Jenna: Understandable.

Lacey: Jenna. You are the best part of me. Because you're not me. You are better. I'm so sorry.

Jenna: Mom... I can't breathe. Gotta let go.

Lacey: Okay... Okay. I'm sorry, I was just... Having a moment. I am entitled one on occasion considering you've ruined my figure.

Jenna: Mom? Do you think you were meant to be with dad? I mean if I wasn't here, would you have chosen him?

Lacey: There was never choice.

At Jenna's bedroom.

Kevin: Jenna! The girls are here.

Jenna: If I wasn't going to let fate influence my decisions, I wouldn't let some vile letter do it either. It was time to put my past where it belonged. In the past.

At the Hamilton's living room.

Tamara: Ming's going with Vera.

Ming: Surprise!

Jenna: Hi. Give me a sidebar. Is there something you wanna tell me? 'Cause I'm pretty sure Vera is of the Ellen variety.

Ming: Going with a girl friend was the only way my parents would let me go. So, if I have to let her fill me up at the end of the night, I'm done for the cause.

Kevin: Girls, get together.

Tamara: Chins out and down.

Jenna: Dad, I think your allergies are acting up again.

Kevin: No, I'm crying.

Lacey: Damn you, 'cause now I'm crying.

Kevin: Can you believe we did this? We raised a beautiful girl.

Lacey: You're embarrassing Jenna.

Jenna: You're both embarrassing Jenna.

Tamara: It's your date!

Matty is at the Hamilton's house. He wants to pick up Jenna to the prom.

Matty: Thanks. Can I please speak to Jenna?

Kevin: You just missed her. She's on her way to the formal with her friends.

Matty: Thank you.

At the prom.

Valerie: You're good. You might wanna rethink the lambskin rubber in your bag. They don't really work. Sadie. I knew it, that little... You are "verboten" from this dance, "verboten" for looking so fabulous.

Mr Mishra: Kitten, you need to relax.

Valerie: I know, it's just Sadie always undercuts my authority, and I just know she's gonna crash. Kitten?

Mr Mishra: Too soon?

Valerie: Not at all, my velvet vindaloo.

Mr Mishra: Go, go in.

Valerie: J, my girl, look at you! I didn't know Rosati was the guy you've been telling me about.

Jenna: Jake's my date.

Valerie: Alright, you two lovebirds have a good time. But watch the bump and grind. We're trying to keep this shindig PG. Good.

Mr Mishra: Principal Cox wants to discuss the dress code.

Valerie: I know, some of these kids are really pushing the boundaries.

Mr Mishra: He was talking about you.

Valerie: I wore this to my grandma's funeral.

Mr Mishra: know.

Jenna: Dork alert. We're here way too early.

Jake: Ms Hamilton, allow me to educate you. It's all about arriving early. That way we get our pictures taken before we ruin our hair out on the dancefloor.

Jenna: You're gonna dance.

Jake: Ladies, prepare yourselves, I like to rip it up and it ain't pretty.

Jenna: Unlike Matty, Jake wasn't afraid to be a dork. And I was ready to dork out with him.

Jake: Do you think I can get one just the two of us?

Jenna: Okay.

Jake: Okay.

Lissa's phone rings.

Lissa: I'll be right back.

At the toilets. Sadie tries to enter. Lissa helps her.

Sadie: Don't yank me. My dress is couture.

Lissa: I'm doing the best I can, it's just... You're so...

Sadie:So what?

Lissa: Wiggly. Duck!

Jenna and Tamara enter.

Jenna: It's been fun. Lip gloss?

Lissa: I noticed you're with Jake.

Jenna: We're just friends.

Lissa: I don't care. We're not together anymore. Jenna. You look really pretty.

Jenna: Thanks. So do you.

Jenna leaves.

Sadie: What was that? You look really pretty. Help me in, so I can slap you.

Lissa: No!

Sadie: No ?

Lissa: You're a bitch, and it's your fault Jake dumped me. Break in yourself.

Jenna and her friends are dancing.

Jenna: I was living in the moment and I didn't know if it was by chance or by choice, but I didn't care. It was time for me to bust a move.

Tamara: I'm busy.

Ricky: Listen to me please. If you give me one more chance I'll sweep you off your feet.

Tamara & Ricky: On the dancefloor, and finally be your guy.

Tamara: It's you.

Ricky: No. It's you. It's always been you. I was just too blind to see it.

Jenna: Where did Tamara go?

Tamara: Ricky is the missed connection.

Jake: He's a what?

Jenna: It's a long story.


Sadie: Look, I only have 60 bucks. But I can promise you that helping me get in is like the gift that'll we'll keep on giving. Like your acne. Lighten up, it was a joke. I can double your money on monday.


Jake: You're having a good time?

Jenna: Yeah. You?

Jake: I always have a good time with you.

Jenna: It was exactly what I was thinking. Everything with Jake was easy.

Jake: Everything with you is easy.

Jenna: Do you think things happen to us by chance or by choice?

Jake: In what way?

Jenna: Fate. Do you believe in fate?

Jake: I don't know. But... Considering you're here with me right now means the universe is working in my favour.

Jenna: Maybe the universe was working in my favour, too.

Jenna kisses Jake.

Jenna: Everything was as it was meant to be. Because finally the other guy I had been pining over was all but a distant... 40 feet away.

Jake: Hey man!

Matty: Hey. I'm really stoked you made it.

Jake: Who did you come with?

Matty: Nobody. There was a girl... But I messed it up.

Jake: What happened?

Matty: You don't wanna know.

Jenna: I do.

Matty: Well. I was going to take this girl, this great girl and things got complicated, and I was trying not to hurt someone else but I ended up hurting her. I didn't think she was gonna come so I went to her house.

Jenna: You went to her house?

Matty: Yaeh. Her dad said she was here.

Jake: Well, where is she?

Matty: She's with another guy.

Jake: Dude. That sucks. You should steal her away.

Matty: I think it's too late. What do you think, is it too late?

Jenna: I was confused. I didn't know if I should listen to my head or my heart. So I went with my hand.

Jenna: I'm so sorry. I think you're right. It's too late.

Valerie: Okay. Check one, two. Time to announce this year's winter formal court. Let's get down to some business on some... Dick. Dick Walters, take over.

Peter: Okay.

Valerie: Put the cookie down, Ms Saxton. You are to leave immediately.

Sadie: Or what?

Valerie: Or I'll have you expelled.

Sadie: Really? For what?

Valerie: You know what. Stealing Jenna's file.

Sadie: The file isn't missing anymore, is it? And I bet my Mercedes that you've never reported it stolen.

Valerie: I did not.

Sadie: Well then. I guess it's just your word against mine.

Valerie pours the punch on Sadie.

Mr Mishra: Val, what are you doing?

Valerie: I... I...

Sadie: Mr Mishra, she just accosted me, and you witnessed it.

Mr Mishra: I didn't witness anything.

Sadie: I will have you both fired.

Valerie: Go for it. I bet my Camry that your word against ours won't get you very far. You've just been sucker-punched.

Mr Mishra: This is actually mine.

Valerie: Now, for Sophomore Winter Court, envelopes, please. Got them, right here. Knew that. Sophomore Princess is... Clark Stevenson.

Clark: Thank you.

Valerie: You're welcome, go girl. And Sophomore Prince is... Matty McKibben.

Jenna: One door to my heart had closed. Which meant a new one could open.

Clark: I just wanna say, I share this with you... Jenna Hamilton!

A t the end of the bal.

Jake: Oh, come on, one more! What?

Jenna: You really like to dance.

Jake: Yeah.

Tamara: We're gonna head up Josh's after party. Guys wanna come?

Ricky: Harrisson's parents have a waterbed.

Tamara: Ricky!

Jake: It's up to you.

Jenna: I think we're gonna pass.

Jake: Let's get our stuff.

Jenna: Okay.

Jake: Okay.

Jake and Jenna are kissing on Jenna's porch.

Jake: There's something stuck to your back.

Jenna: Like dirty code?

Jake: Like what?

Jenna: Like...

Jake: Like there's a note stuck to your back.

Jenna: My parents are over at my neighbor's, which means they're getting hammered and they're not coming home anytime soon. Do you want to come in?

Jake: Yes.

Jenna: Actually, is it okay if you don't come in?

Jake: Sure.

Jenna: It's not that I don't want you to, I do. But I want to take things slowly.

Jake: There's no rush. I'm not going anywhere. What is it?

Jenna: Tonight's the first night anyone's ever held my hand in public. Besides my parents.

Jake: Does that freak you out?

Jenna: No. It just makes me realize what I've been missing.

They enter in the house and the alarm rings.

Jenna: Look what you've done. I've completely blanked on the alarm code. Now I have to call my parents.

Jake: Do you want me to stay?

Jenna: No.

Jake: Okay. Don't be freaked out if I call you when I get home.

Jenna: I won't. I'll only be freaked out if you don't.

Jake kisses Jenna and leaves. Jenna calls her mother.

Jenna: Hey it's me, I'm home. I can't remember the alarm code. Wait, the code's in the junk-drawer. Never mind.

Jenna: Someone once said that it is choice, not chance, that determines our destiny. But it was hard for me to process who would ever choose to find what I found. It was chance.

Jenna: Mom?

Kikavu ?

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